Category: Life Story

The impact of war, February – March 2022

Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday 24 February. This followed several weeks when it was apparent that Russia had mobilised an army on its borders with Ukraine. In my view this is a significant historic event and is a humanitarian disaster, but I’m going to concentrate on the personal financial and portfolio impact of it in…

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More or less flat, January 2022

As at Friday (28th January) my portfolio was down only 1.23% for the year so far, and about 0.22% of that was drawdown spending. A 1.01% fall is like one bad day so nothing to get too excited about for me and my portfolio. Monday (31st January) was then a better day so the month’s…

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The Santa rally, December 2021

The headline after the stock market closed on Christmas eve read “‘Santa rally’ sees FTSE 100 hit 22-month high on Omicron optimism.” The article then stated that “data suggesting the variant is not as severe as feared pushes index close to pre-pandemic levels.” A week later on reviewing my portfolio for the month of December…

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My alternatives to equities

Current portfolio I have over 80% of my investment portfolio in equities (company shares) and only around 2% in cash and I hold the balance in bonds and property. I’m now going to explain how I arrived at that position and how that is working for me. My journey When I first invested in equities…

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